What’s happening at Evangel indian


Please join us on Saturday, April 13, for our Marriage Enrichment Seminar with Dr. Sam & Mary George.

The cost is $60 per couple, a boxed lunch is included and child care will be provided.

one day to serve - hands of hope

We’re asking individuals and families to consider serving our community one day in the next year through our Hands of Hope food pantry.

take the next step

If you are ready to publicly declare your life with Jesus, then click on the link below and we will help you take that step! 

child dedication

We are excited to share this moment with you!


Check out our areas of ministry. Select an area you are interested in and we will reach out to start a conversation.

Growth Track

Join us as we discover your purpose!

life is better in groups

We believe God created us to live in relationship with each other and when we do life together, we experience the full life God promises to us. Sharing life through community is part of our design, but meaningful relationships aren’t always easy to find. That’s why Life Groups exist—to make these life-changing relationships relevant and accessible to you. If you are looking to join a life group, let us know!


Take the step to become a member.